Edinburgh Case-Based Update in Severe Poisoning
An interactive study day aimed at clinicians who look after severely poisoned patients
An interactive study day for nurses, paramedics and other health professionals who look after poisoned patients
Toxicology Training Day
An interactive educational event focussing on clinical and academic toxicology for training doctors
A study day on poisoning and overdose for nurses and others caring for poisoned patients and those who self-harm.
TRIM - Toxicology Research & Information Meeting
Bi-monthly research meeting - all welcome!
TRIM - Toxicology Research & Information Meeting
Bi-monthly research meeting - all welcome!
TRIM - Toxicology Research & Information Meeting
Bi-monthly research meeting - all welcome!
Edinburgh Case-based Update in Severe Poisoning
Using cases and an interactive voting system, consultants from the National Poisons Information Service Edinburgh unit will discuss topics in depth.
Teaching will be based on their clinical practice in Edinburgh’s toxicology ward and on referrals taken from clinicians across the UK.